Data-driven Decision Making in Pharma: Leveraging Closed-loop Marketing 

It’s no wonder that without closed-loop marketing we see many pharma businesses launch out with so much promise but don’t appear to flourish after some years. Is it because the industry is too congested to allow the success of hardworking startup owners or that the barriers to entry are too high? You could say it is, but with proper preparation anything is possible.

As a digital marketing company, we’ve observed that many pharma businesses start energetically by collecting and analyzing raw facts (data) from the market before making decisions. 

However, this drive for precision in marketing efforts dropped after a few years, revealing that the initial energy was only to secure investment funding or other immediate benefits. There was no long time plan to sustain their initial meticulous approach!

Data is king when making Pharma business decisions – whether clinical data for a new drug product or market data to aid new marketing strategies. 

As you read, you’ll learn how data is involved in closed-loop marketing, some challenges you can expect in implementing data analytics in your business, and how you navigate through for success. Let’s jump in.

Table of Contents

How Closed-loop Marketing Works

A Business Woman Having an Online Meeting. Source:

John Wanamaker once said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” 

Decades have passed, and most digital marketers are still in his shoes. Even with efficient CRM tools like Platforce today, only a few folks use it to close that loop between their marketing efforts and revenue. 

Closed-loop marketing involves collecting data from a customer’s interactions with a product and analyzing it to discover how to serve customers better. In closed-loop marketing, the sales team provides the data and customer feedback they’ve obtained to the marketing team. 

The sales team monitors the customer’s journey up to the conversion point. This insight helps the marketing team to know what the customers want. The information is then used appropriately for lead generation. 

For effective closed-loop marketing, the sales and marketing teams must be collaborative. Both teams must share the same goal, and that is the success of the Pharma company. This kind of data-driven process is what leads to success.

The Role of Data in Closed-loop Marketing

Analyzing Business Activity. Source:

When there is enough data, a Pharmaceutical company has the foresight to support its decisions. They can easily predict the company’s marketing outcomes from different strategic choices.

It is better to acquire information on how your company should conduct sales and marketing rather than risking millions of dollars and a lot of time on research and development. 

Data analytics is a pharmaceutical company’s pathfinder. Analyzing market data allows you to transform acquired data into logical reasoning to reveal trends and the best action.

Not all drugs can be advertised the same way because of regulations. The pharmaceutical industry is a complex field. Hence, the industry should not embrace all marketing trends. 

Once the sales team has researched how the regulatory authorities want the medicine to be sold, the marketing team uses that strategy to advertise to the final consumers (HCPs or Patients). Here are a few factors to consider when leveraging data in pharma marketing: 

Closed-loop Marketing Helps You to Build A Targeted Marketing Strategy

Understanding the target market is crucial for pharmaceutical companies. The target market comprises customers who require specific products or services the most. Within the broader market, there exists a particular audience.

For the Pharmaceutical industry, identifying this subset through detailed demographics is essential. By tailoring marketing strategies to meet the needs of this specific audience, companies can maximize their profits effectively. 

Utilizing data analytics provides valuable insights into the demographics and pinpoints areas where the disease is most prevalent. 

This focused approach ensures that you direct resources efficiently, leading to better outcomes for the industry and the patients in need.

Monitoring the Return On Investment (ROI) of your Marketing Efforts

Receiving meager returns after investing staggering sums of money in drug research would be financially disastrous. Investors are drawn to drug research and development, mainly when there is a good chance that the study will be successful. 

Pharmaceutical companies may become overly focused on research and development without considering the commercial aspect. Tracking ROI is considerably more crucial than drug discovery, which is vital, too. Increased return on investment is one of the Pharma industry’s ultimate goals. Due to this, the expense and time are justified.

Nonetheless, the pharmaceutical industry’s business side can operate efficiently thanks to data analysis and closed-loop marketing. 

Utilizing Closed-loop Reporting Between Your Marketing and Sales Teams

This type of reporting is a collaborative effort between the sales and marketing teams, working hand-in-hand to boost a company’s success. They need to be in sync to create a seamless performance.

It helps both teams understand which marketing strategies resonate with customers and lead to actual sales. The sales team plays a crucial role here; they are like the eyes and ears on the ground, observing customer interactions and reporting to the marketing team.

This dynamic feedback loop ensures that marketing efforts are not just shots in the dark but are finely tuned based on fundamental customer interactions. 

It’s like a continuous conversation between both teams, where insights from the sales team guide the marketing strategies, creating a powerful synergy that drives business growth.

Challenges Pharma Industries face with Data-driven Closed Loop Marketing. 

Closed-loop marketing, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, is a challenging journey. Although it fills in sales gaps, navigating it can be difficult due to the industry’s unique nature, distinct from other sectors. 

Pharma businesses operate under stringent regulations and deal with sensitive patient data, making implementing closed-loop strategies complex. Additionally, it is tough to effectively gauge how marketing initiatives affect sales in this challenging environment. 

We want to consider a few specific challenges you may encounter when trying to leverage data analytics in your closed-loop marketing and how to navigate through them:

1. Training your Sales and Marketing Teams to Interpret Data Correctly

Smiling Man Presenting During a Business Meeting. Source:

Training your sales representatives to implement CLM tools and comprehend data insights effectively may pose a significant challenge. 

Many industries need to correct their CLM strategies due to the inability to leverage the collected data. Access to extensive data is only enough if the sales force has the knowledge to implement it successfully.

The way out of these is to employ professionals and experts to train your team members on standard data collection and analysis. It’s up to you to decide if you’ll train your whole marketing team or only your high-performing players.

2. Ensuring the Use of Current Data

Not all information out there is equally valuable for you. You must use both current and relevant data for the decision before you. Most companies start on the right foot in gathering current data, often to secure funding for their startup. Afterwards, the drive drops and the once-zealous efforts to collect data are nowhere to be found.

Context, markets, government, and technology evolve daily, making using last year’s data sets for today’s decisions unwise. Beware of the temptation to run a business on assumed sense and expertise; get the raw facts! Gut feelings in business would only lead to a colossal waste of time, energy, and resources.

3. Regulatory Compliance 

The pharmaceutical sector operates under stringent regulations, making it risky to follow market trends unthinkingly because they work for other industries. This challenge can restrict a marketing team’s strategic choices.

Your team can only comply with the regulations they know, so just like the first point, train them!

4. Data Security 

3d Internet Security Badge. Source:

Patients are at the center of product design in the pharmaceutical sector, which means the company gears every effort toward meeting their unique demands. 

This crucial relationship highlights the necessity for the highest level of confidentiality in the sector when dealing with sensitive patient data. 

However, when you need to exchange information across different teams, this secrecy poses a severe problem. It becomes challenging to balance the necessity for information sharing and patient privacy, exposing a major problem with data in the pharmaceutical industry.

Tackling the privacy challenge demands investments in cutting-edge technologies to secure confidentiality and a continuous commitment to adapting. With the right tools, you can ensure your patient’s privacy.

5. Starting with the Executive Team

Incorporating data-driven efforts into your closed-loop marketing strategies must flow from head to toe. To collect and analyze data effectively, the company’s leadership must instill a strong consciousness of its purpose and goals into every member. For some, this task may pose a significant challenge.

There must be a written vision and mission statement. Assessing the business’s strengths, weaknesses, and competition is equally crucial. The leaders mustn’t be afraid to have the “hard” discussions – this enables team members to ask critical questions (in data collection) that are essential to the company’s growth.

They should also do a thorough analysis of the market and ask questions like – how large or saturated is the market the company is playing in? What segment of that market are they zooming into, and why? Such data analysis and more are the way to thrive as a Pharma company if the leaders have the guts to do it.

Final Thoughts

Data-driven strategies in closed-loop marketing are vital to growing your pharmaceutical business. The importance of data analysis to provide information on market trends, patients’ preferences, and competitive activities cannot be overstated. Profitability while simultaneously enhancing patient outcomes and growing your Pharma businesses depends on it.

You need more than developing and marketing a product in the pharmaceutical industry. You need a tool that helps you implement and make sense of the market data. Also, it helps you make well-informed marketing decisions while ensuring data security and results that contribute to the profit and growth of your pharmaceutical business.

Get started by following our demo or tour now!

How to use Automated Lead Nurturing Emails to Overcome Lead Generation Challenges

Revolutionizing Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is crucial for business success, and so is Automated Lead Nurturing. One effective strategy to transform your customer engagement is using lead nurturing emails. These emails aim to guide your leads through the sales funnel and turn them into customers. The Auto Lead Gen Challenge arises when businesses struggle to generate, capture, and nurture leads automatically and effectively.

Effectiveness of Lead Nurturing Emails

Lead nurturing emails have proven highly effective in engaging leads and fostering relationships. By providing consistent, personalized, and relevant communication, these emails help establish trust with your audience. They also enable you to stay top-of-mind for potential customers, increasing the likelihood of converting them into loyal clients.

Benefits of Lead-Nurturing Emails

Implementing an automated lead-nurturing email strategy offers several benefits to your business. Firstly, it helps maintain continuous customer communication, creating awareness, offering solutions, or obtaining feedback. Secondly, with AI-based lead nurturing and automated follow-ups, you can enhance personalization and increase conversions. Lastly, it allows you to educate your audience, building a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Seamless Lead Nurturing Strategy

To make the most out of your lead nurturing email strategy, consider the following tips:

  • Understand your target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and expectations.

  • Utilize Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, data analytics, and marketing automation tools.

  • Create targeted and personalized content that resonates with your audience.

  • Test and optimize your campaigns to ensure maximum engagement and conversions.

By adopting the right lead nurturing strategy, your business can effectively engage potential leads, increase customer loyalty, and drive sales.

Practical Guidelines for Lead Nurturing Emails

Writing Lead Nurturing Emails

You must provide valuable information and address your prospects’ pain points to craft effective lead-nurturing emails. Make your emails informative, conversational, and engaging. Personalize the email content to understand your prospects’ needs and preferences.

Email Marketing Step-by-Step Guide

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash
  1. Set clear goals: Define the objectives of your lead nurturing email campaign, such as increasing lead conversion rates or re-engaging dormant leads.

  2. Develop a content strategy: Plan the content type and information to share in each email.

  3. Design the email template: Ensure a consistent design and branding in all your emails.

  4. Set up email automation: Automate the email-sending process to save time and ensure appropriate timing for delivery.

  5. Analyze data and optimize: Track email campaign performance and apply insights to improve future campaigns.

Segment Your Email Lists and Leads

Segmentation is crucial for effective lead nurturing. Divide your lists based on demographics, firmographics, lead source, and lead score. This enables you to send targeted emails, addressing the specific needs of each segment.

Creating Targeted Content

Tailor your content to the interests and needs of each segment. Use the information obtained from segmentation to craft personalized messages for different groups. This approach enhances engagement and helps build a strong relationship with your leads.

Testing and Tracking Email Campaigns

Test different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, content, and design, to identify what works best for your audience. Use A/B testing to compare different variations and determine the top-performing versions of your emails. Track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to evaluate the success of your campaigns.

Tailoring Your Emails

Consider individual preferences when sending lead nurturing emails apart from segmenting your audience. Monitor your leads’ interactions with your content and use that data to adjust the frequency, timing, and content of your emails according to their interests and behaviors.

Ensuring Natural Progression in the Emails

Design your email campaigns as a cohesive journey, guiding leads through a natural progression toward the final objective. Make sure the content and call-to-action in each email build on the previous ones, motivating the leads to move further along the sales funnel.

Inspiration for Lead Nurturing Emails

Industry-Wise Lead Nurturing Email Examples

Different industries may require unique approaches for their lead-nurturing emails. Luckily, there are a range of examples available to draw inspiration from. For instance, in eCommerce, examples can be found from brands like Framebridge, which send personalized product recommendations. Similarly, B2B examples often focus on sharing valuable content and solutions to common industry problems.

Addressing Customer Pain Points

Your lead nurturing emails should address the pain points of your potential customers. To make the email content engaging, identify your target audience’s most pressing issues and offer valuable insights or solutions. This will help you build trust and establish a strong connection with your prospects.

Including Testimonials

Incorporating testimonials from satisfied customers in your lead-nurturing emails can significantly impact conversion rates. When your prospects see that others have achieved positive outcomes by partnering with your company, it builds credibility and trust. You can use visuals and short video clips of customers sharing their experiences to make it more appealing.

Sample of a Services Lead Nurturing Email

Here’s an example of a services lead nurturing email highlighting a problem-solving approach:

Subject Line: “Boost Your Team’s Productivity with Our Time Tracking Solution”

Hi [First Name],

If you’re struggling to track your team’s productivity and time management, you’re not alone. Many businesses face similar challenges, leading to inefficiency and decreased profitability.

At [Your Company], we help businesses like yours maximize efficiency with our state-of-the-art time-tracking solution.

Features of our Time Tracking Solution:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Easily track hours, projects, and generate reports.

  • Integration with Popular Tools: Seamless compatibility with software such as [examples of popular tools].

  • Customizable Dashboard: View vital information instantly with just a few clicks.

[Insert Customer Testimonial: “Thanks to [Your Company’s] Time Tracking Solution, our team now works more efficiently, and managing projects has never been easier. – [Customer Name, Position, Company]”]

Ready to optimize your team’s productivity? Schedule a Demo with our experts, and let’s get started!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

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