KPI Software: Essential Guide for Business Performance Success

KPI (Key Performance Indicator) software is an essential tool for businesses aiming to track and measure their progress toward strategic goals. These platforms provide a centralized analytics solution for visualizing, managing, and analyzing key performance indicators, allowing decision-makers to evaluate performance and implement data-driven changes. By bringing all critical business metrics together into one location, KPI software simplifies measuring performance and provides valuable insights from various data sources.

A comprehensive KPI system can improve an organization’s ability to oversee its operations. This increased transparency ensures that all team members know their performance and accountability. The primary function of KPI software is to create data visualizations and interactive dashboards that display at-a-glance information, making it easier for stakeholders to comprehend complex data and monitor progress in real time.

Many KPI software solutions offer integration capabilities with existing business software, enabling organizations to consolidate data and effortlessly monitor performance. The benefits of adopting KPI software extend beyond mere convenience, as these platforms help businesses identify trends, find areas for improvement, and make informed decisions based on well-organized, easily accessible information.

Understanding KPI System: Core Components

A KPI system helps organizations effectively measure progress toward strategic goals. At its core, a KPI system comprises four key components.

First, defining KPI is crucial in establishing an effective KPI system. It involves identifying the goals and objectives the organization wishes to achieve and outlining the specific key performance indicators (KPIs) tied to these goals. The chosen KPIs should be measurable, attainable, and relevant to reflect the organization’s progress accurately.

Second, a KPI system must have a robust data collection mechanism. This component involves gathering the necessary data to measure the KPIs accurately. Data can be collected from various sources, including internal systems, external resources, third-party tools, and dashboard solutions. Ensuring reliable, accurate, and up-to-date data is crucial for making data-driven choices.

The third core component of a KPI system is data analysis. This involves processing and interpreting the data collected to track progress and identify patterns and trends. Organizations can better understand their strengths and weaknesses by analyzing the data, making sound decisions, and optimizing their overall performance.

Lastly, reporting and data visualization are critical parts of a KPI system. This component focuses on communicating the analysis results to stakeholders through clear and concise reports, creating dashboards, and interactive charts, dashboards, charts, and other data visualizations. Effective reporting enables decision-makers to understand the organization’s performance at a glance, identify areas for improvement, and track progress over time.

A competent KPI system should consist of these four key components: KPI definition, data collection, data analysis, and reporting and visualization. With these components, organizations can optimize their performance to remain competitive.

Why Your Business Needs a KPI Tracking Software

Implementing KPI tracking software can significantly improve your business’s performance by helping you monitor, analyze, and optimize KPIs. These software tools provide essential insights into your company’s health, which can lead to better decision-making and, ultimately, improved success.

One of the primary benefits of KPI tracking software is its ability to provide a unified view of all your data, showcasing your organization’s overall health. This comprehensive picture helps to identify areas that require improvement, allowing you to allocate resources more effectively and address weak points ahead of time.

Moreover, KPI tracking software offers flexibility regarding data visualization and visual analytics. You can better manage projects and interpret complex data sets with real-time performance and status indicators displayed through visual analytics. This clear representation of key metrics makes it easier to understand trends, manage projects, analyze data, and identify areas working well or those requiring attention.

Another vital factor is how KPI tracking software helps businesses align their actions with strategic goals. Companies can stay on track with their profit, growth, and overall performance objectives by ensuring that employees and teams are focused on relevant KPIs. This alignment creates a more efficient and effective workforce that drives the organization toward its desired outcomes.

KPI tracking software can save time and effort by automating the process of data collection, analysis, and reporting. By employing advanced KPI tracking tools, managers and leaders can concentrate on making data-based decisions rather than sifting through vast amounts of multiple sources of information to pull essential data points and create reports manually, ultimately increasing the entire team’s productivity.

KPI tracking software is essential to any business aiming to optimize its performance and stay competitive. It offers insight into areas that need improvement, promotes alignment with strategic goals, and simplifies the analysis and reporting process. Such tools can drive significant gains in efficiency and success.

By understanding the role of pharmaceutical KPIs, businesses in this industry can better pursue their goals, which often revolve around promoting patient health while maintaining profitability. The implementation and monitoring of pharmaceutical KPIs require careful planning and strategic use of the right tools and metrics. Strong leadership is needed to oversee the process and make data-driven decisions to ensure success. Furthermore, incorporating these KPIs into daily operations can improve research and development, manufacturing, product education, compliance, and overall company growth.

Evaluating KPI Dashboard Software: Features and Benefits

KPI dashboard software is designed to help businesses track and monitor their KPIs in real-time. By providing actionable insights and an overarching view of important metrics, these software tools enable companies to make solid decisions, motivate team members, and adjust strategies as needed.

KPI dashboards typically offer data warehouse integration, visualization tools, and reporting features. Businesses can centralize their data in one location by connecting various data sources to the software. Cloud-based KPI dashboard platforms can connect to numerous data sources.

Visualization plays a significant role in dashboard software; it allows users to present complex data in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format. Many KPI dashboard software solutions allow users to create customizable charts and dashboards for tracking specific projects, work, and financial KPIs.

Reporting is another pivotal feature of the right KPI, dashboard solutions, and software. Automatic report generation enables businesses to monitor their progress consistently and accurately. Before selecting the right KPI software, it is vital to ensure that it provides options for customizing reports based on the company’s unique needs.

Some popular KPI dashboard software options include Klipfolio, Geckoboard, Databox, Mixpanel, Arena Calibrate, Zoho Analytics, Mode, InetSoft, Tableau, Praxie, Smarten Augmented Analytics, and DashThis. These tools enable companies to stay agile and thrive in an ever-changing business. Several factors must be considered when evaluating which software to choose, including compatibility with currently used software, data source integrations, ease of use, scalability, and pricing.

Harnessing the Power of KPI Reporting Software

Interactive reports and dashboards make accessing and evaluating essential data easy for non-technical users. These tools ensure clarity, accuracy, and efficiency in managing overall performance.

One key aspect of this software is its ability to integrate diverse data from multiple sources, offering a comprehensive overview of various aspects of business performance. A cloud-based KPI dashboard platform should connect seamlessly with multiple data sources. These integrations are critical in gathering holistic insights into a business’s performance.

Additionally, these software solutions provide visual insight to understand complex data sets better. Users can create and develop customizable dashboards to swiftly analyze business data and identify trends, patterns, and areas of concern, making the best decisions to optimize performance. Various customization options allow organizations to tailor their KPI reports and utilize itemized metrics for their specific needs.

Moreover, KPI software empowers businesses with real-time monitoring Google Analytics capabilities, enabling quick identification of performance fluctuations and proactive adjustments. This feature allows companies to maintain a competitive edge and maximize their return on investment (ROI).

Organizations can maintain a competitive advantage and drive continuous improvement by leveraging these tools’ diverse integrations, potent visualization, automated alerts, and real-time monitoring features.

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

The Importance of KPI Reporting Tools in Business Intelligence

KPI reporting tools play a vital role in business intelligence by providing organizations with an efficient way to analyze KPIs and gauge their progress toward specific goals. As data-driven decision-making becomes increasingly important, having a comprehensive KPI reporting tool is crucial for staying ahead in the competitive business world.

These tools offer a unified view of data, enhancing visibility into the company’s overall health and enabling stakeholders to understand various aspects of their performance. By displaying data in a customizable and visual way using charts, tables, and graphs, KPI reporting tools make it easier for users to analyze business data and see trends and patterns in pulling data, pull data used, important pull data call points, and areas for improvement in the import data.

KPI reporting tools also have customizable metrics that enable other marketing agencies, marketing and sales data teams, and organizations to analyze data on:

  • Set and track strategic goals: Aligning KPIs with organizational goals can help companies achieve desired outcomes like increased profits, growth, or sales levels.

  • Make data-driven decisions: With insights derived from KPIs, businesses can optimize their operations to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Monitor performance in real-time: Modern KPI tools are often interactive, allowing users to access underlying data quickly and make timely adjustments.

Selecting the KPIs that align with organizational goals and strategies is essential. This can enable businesses to track progress accurately and avoid focusing on the wrong performance areas. For optimal results, KPIs should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).

Reviewing the Best KPI Software Available in the Market

The market offers a variety of KPI software options, each catering to different business requirements and functions. This section will briefly overview some of the top KPI software solutions available in 2023.

Domo is a cloud-native data experience platform that goes beyond traditional business intelligence and analytics. With a focus on making data visible and actionable insights, Domo’s analytics solution is highly rated for its ability to help businesses efficiently manage and monitor their KPIs.

Another popular choice is ClickUp. Known as a project management and productivity platform, ClickUp also offers robust KPI tracking capabilities. It provides a wide range of project management and collaboration features, making it suitable for teams looking to improve their performance.

Scoro is a KPI dashboard software that allows businesses to oversee every aspect of their operations on one or multiple real-time business dashboards. Scoro integrates with all your data and existing software to create your real-time business dashboards or to create dashboards that provide a unified real-time system for tracking and monitoring projects, work, and financial KPIs.

A few other notable KPI software options include:

  • Sisense for its powerful business intelligence and analytics tools, providing businesses with insights to make real-time decisions.

  • Fathom with its user-friendly interface and ability to analyze company insights and performance data.

  • Bright Gauge for its strong focus on data visualization, allowing businesses to communicate their KPIs and insights to stakeholders easily.

  • Cascade is the highest-rated strategy execution platform that offers powerful KPI features, making it a go-to choice for high-performing teams in various organizations.

When selecting the free version of a KPI software, evaluate each option based on your business requirements, budget, and desired key metrics and features. Choosing a free version of a solution that effectively helps your organization monitor and improve its key performance indicators is essential, allowing for better decision-making and enhancing overall performance.

How a KPI Tool Can Drive Business Growth

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

One of the primary benefits of using a KPI dashboard software is the ability to oversee every aspect of your business in real-time. With a comprehensive view of projects, work, sales data, and financial KPIs, managers can make informed decisions, leading to better allocation of resources and enhanced operational efficiency.

Another advantage of KPI tools is their data import and data integration capabilities. Powerful software like Klipfolio can connect to data and import data from nearly any data source, providing businesses with a unified data visualization tool and reporting platform. This streamlined data import approach eliminates data silos and ensures that decision-makers have access to accurate and up-to-date information.

In today’s digital world, keeping up with emerging technologies and market trends is crucial for business growth. Advances in machine learning and predictive algorithms have transformed KPI tools into prescriptive indicators that guide strategy rather than just keeping score. These data insights help businesses stay ahead of the curve.

To maximize the potential of a KPI tool, businesses should consider the best KPI software and features available on the market.

As businesses prioritize data-driven decision-making, the demand for practical KPI tools for data visualizations and analytics also grows. Advancements in KPI software aim to support diverse industries in measuring performance while considering the ever-changing data landscapes.

One significant trend affecting KPI software in 2023 is the increased focus on remote work. The shift to remote operations had companies reevaluating their performance indicators, pushing KPI software developers to integrate key metrics and features for remote work efficiency and employee well-being. These KPIs include remote work software utilization rates, time spent in virtual meetings, work-life balance metrics, and remote employee engagement and satisfaction indicators.

Automation also plays a significant role in the future of KPI software. As businesses seek to streamline operations and reduce manual data entry, KPI tools offering automated data importing, real-time updates, and advanced analytics will be popular. Users require KPI software to connect seamlessly to a broad range of data sources, enabling easy access and interpretation of essential information.

Additionally, customization of the user interface remains a critical aspect of KPI software, highlighting the need for versatile tools to accommodate unique, industry-specific metrics. Companies increasingly desire the ability to tailor dashboards to display the most relevant KPIs for their sector, ensuring that they address the particular performance parameters unique to their businesses.

The future trends in KPI software revolve around flexibility, automation, remote work adaptability, and customization. As the market evolves, companies can expect increasingly sophisticated tools that address their specific KPI requirements efficiently and effectively. If you have questions about how Platforce can enhance your KPIs and integrate with your CRM, please get in touch with our team, and we’ll be happy to answer all your questions.

Platforce is the best CRM software for lead generation, order management, sales automation, and task management. Unlike other software, Platforce gives your company all it needs to optimize customer relations and boost customer experience. Try out the Platforce CRM system with a demo or tour now. You can also stay updated on our Youtube and LinkedIn channels.

Engage HCPs for Success: Leverage Platforce’s CRM KPI Collection in Pharma Sales

What drives your revenue growth? Is it when you successfully engage hcps?

That’s a huge question, we know. Before you answer, let us narrow down your options.

First, you’re only allowed to use data. Second, an either-or hypothesis: either it’s engaging your HCPs effectively… or a spray-and-pray approach.

For most pharma and life science businesses, it’s engaging HCPs effectively. And that without relevant data to optimize the engagement creates an ugly catch-22, a codependent cycle littered with lower sales performance. 

How do you break free? – You deploy a CRM that makes engaging with HCPs easy and will help you make the most of client interactions and insights collected.

That’s why Platforce has introduced its CRM which can collect KPIs that can help Pharma and Life Science businesses increase their engagement rate without stabbing in the dark.

In this blog post, you’ll learn about the challenges faced by  Pharma and Life Science companies, how Platforce’s CRM KPI Collection can help, and best practices that you could adopt to maximize your HCPs engagement rate so that you to can get results as Danone did.

  1. The need for Pharma and Life Science companies to embrace a CRM like Platforce
  2. Platforce’s CRM KPI Collection: A Streamlined Solution
  3. What a CRM for pharma looks like in real life

The need for Pharma and Life Science companies to embrace a CRM like Platforce.

One of the primary obstacles faced by  Pharma and Life Science companies is the difficulty in tracking and analyzing crucial sales data. With fragmented data spread across various sources, including spreadsheets and manual records, the sales team struggles to gain a holistic view of their customers and their interactions. This disjointed approach leads to missed opportunities, as crucial information may slip through the cracks, leaving potential sales untapped.

Moreover, the reliance on manual data entry introduces inefficiencies and errors in the sales process. The time-consuming nature of this task takes away valuable time that the sales team could have spent engaging with HCPs. Furthermore, the potential for human error in data entry poses risks of inaccuracies, which can have detrimental effects on decision-making and resource allocation.

The lack of real-time visibility into key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics compounds these challenges. Without a centralized platform to consolidate and analyze data, management finds it arduous to make data-driven decisions. The absence of actionable insights derived from real-time data inhibits the ability to optimize sales efforts, allocate resources effectively, and adapt to evolving market conditions.

In this environment, companies find themselves grappling with limited visibility, fragmented data, and the absence of a comprehensive CRM system tailored to their unique needs. These challenges impede their ability to engage HCPs effectively, resulting in suboptimal sales performance and missed growth opportunities.

However, there is a solution that promises to revolutionize pharmaceutical sales strategies and overcome these challenges: Platforce’s CRM KPI collection feature. By addressing the shortcomings of traditional CRM systems, Platforce offers  Pharma and Life Science companies a powerful tool to enhance their sales performance, engage HCPs more effectively, and achieve their revenue growth objectives. In the next sections, we will explore how Platforce’s CRM KPI collection feature empowers these companies and transforms their sales processes, ultimately leading to improved outcomes just like it did for Danone.

Platforce’s CRM KPI Collection: A Streamlined Solution

To overcome the challenges faced by pharmaceutical and life science companies, Platforce has developed a CRM system with a groundbreaking feature: CRM KPI collection. This innovative solution provides a streamlined approach to tracking and analyzing crucial sales data, empowering companies to engage healthcare professionals (HCPs) effectively and drive revenue growth.

Platforce’s CRM KPI collection feature offers a customizable dashboard that serves as a centralized hub for monitoring and analyzing sales performance. With this intuitive tool, companies can consolidate fragmented data sources and gain a holistic view of their customers and interactions. By eliminating the need for multiple spreadsheets and manual data entry, the CRM system saves time and minimizes the potential for errors, enabling the sales team to focus on what matters most—engaging with HCPs.

Real-time visibility into key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics is a game-changer for pharmaceutical and life science companies. With Platforce’s CRM solution, decision-makers can access up-to-date insights that inform data-driven strategies and resource allocation. By monitoring KPIs such as sales revenue, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs, companies can make informed decisions that optimize their sales efforts and maximize their engagement with HCPs.

With the customizable dashboard provided by Platforce, the sales team gains real-time access to essential KPIs, allowing them to monitor their performance and uncover actionable insights. By analyzing data trends, they identify areas for improvement and implement targeted strategies to enhance engagement with HCPs. The comprehensive understanding of sales performance empowers the company to adapt quickly to changing market dynamics and seize growth opportunities.

Platforce’s CRM KPI collection feature stands out from other CRM tools in the market due to its emphasis on customization and flexibility. The platform is tailored specifically for the pharmaceutical and life science industries, addressing their unique challenges and requirements. By offering a customizable dashboard, Platforce ensures that companies can track the KPIs most relevant to their business goals and objectives. This adaptability enables organizations to align the CRM system with their specific sales strategies, resulting in enhanced engagement with HCPs and improved sales performance.

What a CRM for pharma looks like in real life

Danone, a leading global food and beverage company, faced challenges in improving the performance of its sales representatives and tracking the behavior of healthcare professionals (HCPs). Ada Liu, the sales force effectiveness manager at Danone, recognized the need for a CRM with data analytics solution baked in, to gain insights into the engagement between sales reps and HCPs. Ada chose Platforce CRM to address these challenges and drive improvements.

Danone’s main goal was to understand the activities of sales reps and optimize their engagement with HCPs. They wanted to identify which doctors were worth visiting and allocate their resources more effectively. Ada and her team implemented Platforce CRM and utilized its customizable dashboards to track unique key performance indicators (KPIs) from seven countries where Danone operates, including Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Azerbaijan, El Salvador, Panama, and Bulgaria.

With Platforce CRM, around 130 members of local Danone teams now use the system every day. The CRM solution allows them to integrate various communication channels, such as WhatsApp, email, and video calls, to engage with HCPs. This feature became particularly crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic when face-to-face visits were not possible. Ada emphasizes that being able to engage with doctors through multiple channels is a must-have in a CRM system.

Platforce CRM also provides eDetailers, a feature that offers a new way of engaging with doctors and helps them understand information more effectively. Ada highlights the value of this feature, as it enables Danone’s marketing team to assess how sales reps are using eDetailers and identify areas for improvement in content creation.

The implementation of Platforce CRM has generated loads of data for Danone, allowing the company to improve future HCP engagement activities. Ada plans to enhance the KPI system by incorporating more metrics, including KPIs for managers to measure the effectiveness of their coaching.

By leveraging Platforce’s CRM KPI collection feature, Danone has experienced significant improvements in sales force effectiveness and engagement with HCPs. The customizable dashboards, integration with various communication channels, and insights derived from real-time data have empowered Danone’s sales team to make data-driven decisions, optimize their strategies, and allocate resources effectively. With a comprehensive understanding of their sales performance, Danone can adapt to market dynamics and drive revenue growth.

In conclusion, Platforce is the best CRM software for lead generation, order management, sales automation, and task management. Unlike other software, Platforce gives your company all it needs to optimize customer relations and boost customer experience. Try out the Platforce CRM system with a demo now. You can also stay updated on our Youtube and LinkedIn channels.

KPI Tracking in Pharma Sales Software for Better HCP Communication

If you’re looking for a way to track your doctor visits and manage rescheduled appointments effectively, you’ve got a few pharma sales software options.

But some look…less than optimal.

If you’re part of the sales team in pharma, you already know some of the workarounds and bit-part solutions aren’t going to make it as far as your sales team.

Since launching, Platforce has been working with businesses of all sizes in the pharma and life science industries to enable their sales team to track their doctor visits and manage rescheduled appointments effectively.

Through our experience working with clients, we’ve made sure our CRM offers customizations that are designed for seamless tracking of doctor visits and efficient management of rescheduled appointments.

Understanding the Challenges Faced by Pharma Sales Teams

  1. Lack of a Streamlined System Leading to Miscommunications and Missed Opportunities.

In the fast-paced world of pharmaceutical sales, effective communication is crucial for success. However, many pharma sales teams find themselves relying on disparate software and tools and fragmented solutions to track doctor visits and manage appointments. This lack of a streamlined system creates a breeding ground for miscommunications and missed opportunities.

Sales representatives often resort to using spreadsheets, manual note-taking, or separate software applications to keep track of their doctor visits. Without integration and synchronization between these tools, important information can easily fall through the cracks.

Sales reps might not have real-time access to updated visit details or be able to communicate changes effectively with the team, leading to confusion and missed opportunities to engage with healthcare professionals.

  1. Difficulty in Maintaining Accurate Records and Visibility into Territory Coverage.

Accurate record-keeping is essential for pharmaceutical sales teams to evaluate their performance, identify gaps, and make data-driven decisions. However, maintaining accurate records of doctor visits and appointments can be a challenge without a dedicated system.

The absence of a centralized platform specifically designed for capturing visit details results in scattered information across various channels. Sales reps may struggle to organize and update their records consistently, leading to incomplete or inaccurate data.

This lack of clarity and visibility into territory coverage makes it difficult to assess the team’s overall performance, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that all territories are adequately covered.

  1. Potential Gaps in Sales Activities and Relationship-Building Efforts.

Inefficient appointment management processes can create gaps in sales activities, which can be detrimental to building strong relationships with healthcare professionals. Sales representatives rely on timely and effective interactions with doctors to establish trust, provide product information, and ultimately drive sales. However, without a streamlined system in place, it becomes challenging to manage and prioritize appointments effectively.

Sales reps may struggle to stay on top of their schedules, leading to missed or rescheduled appointments. These missed opportunities can have a significant impact on relationship-building efforts and may result in lost sales. Inconsistent follow-up and lack of timely communication can erode trust and hinder the development of strong relationships with doctors and key decision-makers.

  1. Limited Insights and Analysis for Performance Evaluation.

Effective sales management requires access to comprehensive data and insights for performance evaluation. However, the absence of a dedicated tracking system hampers the sales team’s ability to gather, analyze, and leverage this information effectively.

Without accurate records and visibility into sales activities, sales managers face challenges in evaluating individual and team performance. Metrics such as visit frequency, call reports, and territory coverage may be difficult to measure and track consistently.

This lack of data-driven insights makes it challenging to provide targeted guidance and support to sales representatives, hindering their professional growth and overall effectiveness. Additionally, the inability to identify trends and patterns in sales activities limits the team’s ability to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement.

In short, the lack of a streamlined system leads to miscommunications, missed opportunities, difficulty in maintaining accurate records, limited visibility into territory coverage, potential gaps in sales activities, and inadequate performance evaluation.

Recognizing these challenges, Platforce offers customized solutions to address these challenges, empowering sales teams to optimize their interactions, enhance relationship-building efforts, and drive better sales outcomes.

Now that brings us to the big question.

What makes Platforce the tool choice to help you track your doctor visits and manage rescheduled appointments effectively?

Since its launch, Platforce has been partnering with businesses in the pharma and life science industries, working closely with sales teams to enhance their capabilities in this crucial aspect of their work.

Through our extensive experience and collaboration with clients, we have developed a robust customer relationship management (CRM) system that offers customizations specifically designed to address the pain points faced by pharmaceutical sales teams. These customizations enable seamless tracking of doctor visits and efficient management of rescheduled appointments, providing a comprehensive solution to the challenges mentioned earlier.

Platforce’s CRM platform provides sales representatives with a user-friendly interface where they can easily record all interactions with doctors, including completed visits and rescheduled appointments. This centralizes all the necessary information, ensuring that important details are not lost or overlooked. With real-time access to accurate visit details, sales reps can stay up-to-date and effectively communicate changes within the team, minimizing miscommunications and missed opportunities.

Furthermore, Platforce’s customization offers enhanced visibility into territory coverage. Sales representatives can now quickly analyze their visit records, identify potential gaps in coverage, and make informed decisions to optimize their sales activities. By providing a clear overview of their territory, the CRM empowers sales teams to ensure that no valuable opportunities are overlooked and that every healthcare professional receives the attention they deserve.

Platforce’s customization also greatly improves relationship-building efforts. With a streamlined system in place, sales representatives can effectively manage and prioritize their appointments, ensuring that they never miss a critical opportunity to engage with doctors and key decision-makers. Consistent follow-up and timely communication become effortless, allowing sales reps to build stronger and more fruitful relationships with healthcare professionals.

Moreover, Platforce’s customization also caters to the needs of sales managers. The CRM platform provides comprehensive insights and analysis, offering valuable performance evaluation tools. With accurate records and data-driven insights, sales managers can assess individual and team performance effectively. 

Now with Platforce, they can 

  • identify areas of improvement
  • provide targeted guidance
  • support their sales representatives
  • drive continued growth and success

In the ever-competitive pharmaceutical industry, having an edge in tracking doctor visits and managing appointments can make all the difference. Platforce’s customization empowers pharmaceutical sales teams with the tools they need to excel in this crucial aspect of their work.

With streamlined processes, improved visibility, enhanced relationship-building efforts, and comprehensive performance evaluation, Platforce’s CRM platform offers a complete solution that drives better sales outcomes and ultimately contributes to the success of pharmaceutical companies.

Platforce is the best CRM software for lead generation, order management, sales automation, and task management. Unlike other software, Platforce gives your company all it needs to optimize customer relations and boost customer experience. Try out the Platforce CRM system with a demo now. You can also stay updated on our Youtube and LinkedIn channels.

Sound like something you need?

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How Customizable Pharma CRM Powers Patient-Centric Outcomes

Admittedly, new customer acquisition is good news. After all, new customers are the indicator that your business is actually growing.

But onboarding new clients without a plan to make them stick to you — well, that’s both exhausting and unsustainable.

Unfortunately, one of the most important factors in customer retention in the pharma industry is also the most overlooked:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System.

That is why today we are decoding the role of a CRM in the pharma industry and how a well-built CRM can help pharma companies to drive better outcomes, especially where patients are at the heart of the industry.  

Decoding CRM in Pharma Industry

In pharma, the key to success lies not only in acquiring new customers but also in retaining them. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, often overlooked, play a crucial role in customer retention within the pharma industry.

So, that brings us to the next big question.

What exactly is CRM in the context of the pharma industry? 

CRM refers to a comprehensive system that enables pharmaceutical companies to effectively manage their relationships with various stakeholders, including healthcare providers, patients, and even sales representatives. It serves as the backbone of modern patient-centric healthcare systems, allowing companies to navigate the intricate dynamics of the industry and drive better outcomes.

At its core, CRM in pharma is about fostering meaningful and personalized interactions with patients. It involves capturing and organizing vast amounts of data related to patient profiles, medical histories, treatment plans, and more. By centralizing this information, a well-built CRM system empowers pharma companies to gain valuable insights, make informed decisions, and deliver tailored experiences to patients.

Moreover, a robust CRM system enhances communication and collaboration across departments within a pharmaceutical organization. It enables seamless coordination between sales, marketing, and customer service teams, ensuring a unified approach in managing relationships and addressing the unique needs of healthcare providers and patients.

In today’s patient-centric era, where the focus is on delivering personalized healthcare experiences, CRM becomes an indispensable tool for pharma companies. It facilitates the customization of patient interactions, allowing for tailored messaging, targeted campaigns, and individualized care plans. By leveraging the power of CRM, pharmaceutical companies can build stronger relationships, enhance patient engagement, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.

Now let’s talk about 

The Power of Customization in Pharma CRM

The importance of customization in pharma CRM cannot be overstated. It’s no secret that the pharmaceutical industry operates within a complex landscape, characterized by intricate regulatory requirements, diverse product portfolios, and rapidly evolving market dynamics. A one-size-fits-all CRM approach simply won’t cut it. That’s why having a CRM system that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of the industry is crucial for success.

In Pharma CRM, customization is all about personalization. It allows companies to capture and organize data specific to patients, such as their profiles, medical histories, and treatment plans. This wealth of information enables pharma companies to gain valuable insights, make informed decisions, and deliver individualized experiences to patients.

But customization doesn’t stop there. It also fosters communication and collaboration across different departments within a pharmaceutical organization. Sales, marketing, and customer service teams can work together seamlessly, ensuring a unified approach to managing relationships and addressing the specific needs of healthcare providers and patients.

In today’s patient-centric era, delivering personalized healthcare experiences is paramount. That’s where CRM that is customizable shines. It enables tailored messaging, targeted campaigns, and individualized care plans, leading to stronger relationships, higher patient engagement, and ultimately, better patient outcomes.

The beauty of customizable CRM systems is that they empower pharma companies to adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of the industry. Whether it’s streamlining processes, optimizing workflows, or gaining a competitive edge, customization gives pharma companies the flexibility they need to thrive.

In the next section, we’ll dive deeper into the benefits of customizable Pharma CRM. We’ll explore how it streamlines processes, amplifies patient communication, unlocks advanced data analysis capabilities, and boosts sales performance. We’ll also take a closer look at how Platforce a customizable CRM made for the pharma industry can help.

Benefits of Customizable Pharma CRM

Now that we understand the power of customization in Pharma CRM, let’s explore the specific benefits it brings to the table. A customizable CRM system tailored to the unique needs of the pharmaceutical industry offers a range of advantages that contribute to better patient-centric outcomes.

  1. Streamlined Processes: Customization allows pharma companies to align their CRM system with their specific workflows and processes. By eliminating unnecessary steps and automating repetitive tasks, a customized CRM optimizes efficiency and productivity, freeing up valuable time for sales representatives and other teams to focus on building relationships and delivering personalized experiences to patients.
  1. Amplified Patient Communication: Customization enables tailored messaging and personalized communication with patients. By capturing and organizing patient data such as profiles, medical histories, and treatment plans, a well-built CRM system facilitates individualized interactions. This personalized approach enhances patient engagement, fosters trust, and improves adherence to treatment plans, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.
  1. Advanced-Data Analysis Capabilities: Customizable CRM systems provide powerful data analysis tools that enable pharma companies to extract meaningful insights from the vast amount of data they collect. By leveraging data analytics, companies can identify trends, track patient behaviour, and gain a deeper understanding of their target audience. These insights empower informed decision-making, allowing companies to refine their strategies, optimize campaigns, and deliver more targeted interventions.
  1. Improved Sales Performance: Customization in Pharma CRM boosts sales performance by providing sales teams with a comprehensive view of their customers and prospects. By tailoring the CRM system to capture and analyze sales data, customer preferences, and buying patterns, sales representatives can identify opportunities, tailor their pitches, and deliver value-based solutions to healthcare providers. This personalized approach enhances customer satisfaction, increases sales conversions, and builds long-term loyalty.

Next, we’ll be exploring the potential

The Challenges in Implementing Customizable Pharma CRM

While the benefits of customizable CRM systems in the pharmaceutical industry are undeniable, implementing such a solution comes with its own set of challenges. These challenges need to be carefully addressed to ensure seamless integration and maximize the potential of a customized Pharma CRM.

  1. Seamless Technology Integration.

One of the primary challenges in implementing a customizable Pharma CRM is ensuring seamless integration with existing systems and technologies. Pharmaceutical companies often have complex infrastructures with multiple software solutions already in place. Integrating a new CRM system requires careful planning, collaboration with IT teams, and customization to fit into the existing ecosystem. This challenge can be resolved by conducting a thorough analysis of the current technology landscape, identifying integration points, and leveraging APIs and data connectors to establish a seamless flow of information between systems.

  1. User Adaptability and Training.

Introducing a new CRM system, especially one that is highly customizable, requires user adaptability and training. Pharmaceutical sales and marketing teams, as well as other stakeholders, need to understand the system’s features, benefits, and customization options. Adequate training programs, workshops, and ongoing support are essential to ensure a smooth transition and user adoption. Clear communication about the value and impact of customization on their day-to-day activities can help overcome resistance and facilitate the adoption process.

  1. Data Security and Compliance. 

Pharmaceutical companies deal with sensitive patient data, making data security and compliance a top priority. When implementing a customizable CRM system, it is crucial to ensure that data privacy regulations and industry-specific compliance requirements are met. Robust security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and regular data backups, must be in place to protect patient information and maintain compliance. Working closely with IT and security teams, as well as adhering to industry standards, will help mitigate potential risks.

  1. Change Management and Cultural Shift.

Implementing a customizable Pharma CRM like Platforce often requires a cultural shift within the organization. Traditional processes and ways of working may need to be reevaluated and transformed to align with the new workflow. Also, training, and support, are crucial to facilitate this cultural shift. It’s essential to communicate the benefits of customization, such as improved efficiency, enhanced patient communication, and data-driven decision-making, to gain buy-in from employees at all levels. By involving key stakeholders early in the process and fostering a collaborative environment, resistance to change can be minimized, and a positive mindset towards customization can be fostered.

  1. Scalability and Future-Proofing.

As the pharmaceutical industry evolves, so do the requirements of CRM systems. Implementing a customizable Pharma CRM should not only address the current needs but also anticipate future demands. Scalability and flexibility become crucial factors to ensure that the CRM system can accommodate growth, changing regulations, and emerging technologies. Choosing a CRM solution that offers a modular architecture and the ability to easily add or modify functionalities will help future-proof the system and enable seamless adaptation to evolving business needs.

  1. Data Quality and Governance.

Customizable CRM systems provide organizations with extensive data collection and analysis capabilities. However, this also brings challenges related to data quality and governance. It is important to establish clear data governance policies, data validation processes, and quality control measures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information captured within the CRM system. Regular data audits, data cleansing activities, and data stewardship roles can help maintain data integrity and maximize the value derived from the CRM system.

By proactively addressing these challenges and implementing best practices, pharmaceutical companies can successfully navigate the implementation of a customizable CRM system. Careful planning coupled with stakeholder involvement, and a focus on user adoption and data security, organizations can unlock the full potential of customization and leverage it to achieve better patient-centric outcomes.

To make this blog more practical, let’s look at how a customizable CRM like Platforce has helped Danone an industry leader with its customizable CRM.

Case Study: Successful Implementation of Customizable Pharma CRM

At the forefront of the pharmaceutical industry, the successful implementation of a customizable CRM system can make all the difference in driving better patient-centric outcomes. In this case study, we will explore how Platforce a customizable CRM solution, helped Danone, a global food and beverage company, to reinforce sales effectiveness and enhance healthcare professional (HCP) engagement in seven countries.

Danone, recognized the need to gain a comprehensive understanding of how sales representatives engage with healthcare professionals. To achieve this, Platforce was selected as the CRM of choice due to its flexibility to be fully customized to meet business needs.  

Platforce facilitated the measurement of touchpoints per day and per representative, coverage, and frequency, providing a holistic view of sales force performance. Collaborating with the Platforce team, Danonen managed to develop field force performance dashboards for seven markets, including Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Azerbaijan, El Salvador, Panama, and Bulgaria. With around 130 Danone team members utilizing Platforce CRM daily, each market had its own KPIs tailored to stimulate workflow and improved feedback.

The successful implementation of Platforce has enabled Danone to

  •  optimize its sales force effectiveness
  • gain valuable insights into HCP engagement
  • enhance patient-centric outcomes

By leveraging the flexibility to customize along with Platforce’s advanced features, Danone has solidified its position as a leader in the pharmaceutical industry, effectively adapting to evolving market dynamics and meeting the unique demands of its target audience.

Contact us to find out what’s possible for your brand with Platforce’s customizable CRM. You can also follow our content on YouTube and LinkedIn.

Pharma Trends in Latin America: Your Digital Transformation Guide with Xolomon’s Takeshi Nakauma

Despite pharma trends of modernization, for most of the pharma industry, digital transformation is still a new phenomenon – even after the pandemic has passed.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed about how to stay ahead of the game at a time when the market is highly regulated…

You are not alone.

To guide you into the new world of pharma trends and Digital Transformation, we’ve put together a new Podcast Episode, hosted by our very own business development executive, Isaias Cuello and joined by special guest, Xolomon’s founder and CEO, Takeshi Nakauma. Below we discuss insights from the podcast and shed light on aspects of relevancy for pharma companies in Latin America, and beyond.

Takeshi Nakauma, CEO & Founder at Xolomon

In this episode, Isaias and Takeshi Nakauma discuss how pharma and life science companies in Latin America can adapt to the ever-changing landscape and equip themselves with the necessary tools to stay ahead of the game while navigating the complexities of regulated markets.

If you’re more of a visual learner, feel free to Watch The Show on YouTube (find the link at the end of the blog post). If you prefer a more detailed breakdown, then follow along as we’ve prepared a guide that is just right for you!

  1. The need for Pharma and Life Science companies to embrace digital transformation
  2. The Challenges that follow through
  3. Ways Pharma and Life Science Companies in Latin America can adapt to the ever-changing landscape
  4. How a CRM & CLM solution like Platforce and Xolomon can help in future-proofing Pharma & Life Science companies in Latin America

The need for Pharma and Life Science companies to embrace digital transformation.

Digital transformation, like other pharma trends, is not merely a buzzword; it represents a fundamental shift in how businesses operate and engage with their stakeholders – to be precise a pharma trend that needs to be acknowledged.

For pharma and life science companies in Latin America, this transformation holds the key to survival and growth in an increasingly competitive landscape. By leveraging digital technologies and innovative solutions, these companies can 

  • adapt to the changing market dynamics 
  • gain a competitive edge
  • future-proof their businesses 

One of the primary drivers behind the need for digital transformation is evolving customer behaviours and expectations. 

Today’s consumers, including healthcare professionals and patients, are more digitally savvy than ever before. They demand personalized experiences, easy access to information, and seamless interactions across multiple channels. By embracing digital transformation, pharma, and life science companies can cater to these evolving customer needs, enhance engagement, and build stronger relationships.

Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has further underscored the importance of digital solutions in the pharma industry. The crisis has accelerated the adoption of telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and virtual engagement platforms. 

“Companies that were quick to embrace digital technologies were better equipped to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic and ensure the continuity of their operations.”

This experience has served as a wake-up call for the industry, highlighting the need to invest in digital capabilities to future-proof their businesses against any unforeseen disruptions.

The Challenges that follow through

However, embracing digital transformation is not without its challenges. 

The pharma and life science industries operate in highly regulated environments, which can pose hurdles in adopting digital solutions. 

Compliance with regulatory requirements, data privacy concerns, and the integration of new technologies into existing systems are just a few of the challenges faced by companies on this transformative journey. 

  1. The need to change traditional mindsets and ways of doing business. 

For many years, these industries relied heavily on face-to-face interactions with customers, such as healthcare professionals and patients. Shifting towards digital channels requires a cultural shift within the organization and a willingness to embrace new technologies. Companies must invest in training and education to help their employees adapt to the digital landscape and harness the full potential of digital solutions.

  1. Strict regulations in accordance with data privacy concerns.

The highly regulated nature of the pharma industry poses unique challenges when it comes to digital transformation. Compliance with regulations, such as data privacy laws and regulatory reporting requirements, is of paramount importance. Companies must ensure that their digital initiatives align with these regulations and that proper safeguards are in place to protect sensitive data. This may involve partnering with technology providers that have expertise in navigating the regulatory landscape such as HIPAA and adhering to other industry standards.

  1. Integrating new technology with legacy technologies.

Another challenge lies in integrating digital solutions into existing systems and processes. Many pharma and life science companies operate on legacy infrastructure and complex IT systems. Integrating new digital technologies seamlessly with these existing systems can be a complex task.  It requires careful planning, collaboration between IT teams and business stakeholders, and a phased approach to implementation. Companies also may need to invest in system upgrades, data integration tools, and cross-functional collaboration to overcome these integration challenges.

Overcoming these challenges requires a holistic approach that combines technological expertise, strategic planning, and a change in mindset.

Ways Pharma and Life Science Companies in Latin America can adapt to the ever-changing landscape

  1. Embrace omnichannel engagement.

Pharma and life science companies in Latin America should adopt an omnichannel approach to engage with their customers. This involves leveraging multiple channels such as email, social media, websites, mobile apps, and virtual events to reach healthcare professionals and patients. By providing seamless and consistent experiences across these channels, companies can enhance customer engagement and build stronger relationships.

  1. Implement telemedicine and remote patient monitoring.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring in the healthcare industry. Pharma and life science companies can adapt to this trend by integrating these digital health solutions into their offerings. By partnering with healthcare providers and leveraging technology platforms, companies can support remote consultations, monitor patient health remotely, and provide value-added services that improve patient outcomes.

  1. Leverage data analytics and AI.

Data is a valuable asset for pharma and life science companies. By leveraging data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, companies can gain actionable insights into customer behaviour, market trends, and product performance. These insights can drive personalized marketing campaigns, optimize sales strategies, and support evidence-based decision-making. Additionally, AI also can help streamline processes, automate repetitive tasks, and improve operational efficiency.

Curious about AI? Here at Platforce, we’re integrating AI into our CRM to keep up with the trends while providing more value to our customers. Book a demo today to be notified when our AI program rolls out completely.

  1. Enhance patient-centricity

Patient-centricity is a key focus for the pharma industry, and digital transformation can further support this approach. Companies can use digital tools and platforms to gather patient feedback, understand their needs and preferences, and co-create solutions with them. By involving patients in the product development process and providing them with personalized support, companies can increase their loyalty.

  1. Collaborate with startups and technology partners.

To stay ahead of the digital transformation curve, pharma and life science companies in Latin America need to collaborate with startups and technology partners. Startups often bring innovative ideas, agility, and expertise in digital technologies. By forming strategic partnerships, companies can leverage these capabilities to accelerate their digital transformation journey and gain a competitive edge.

  1. Invest in cybersecurity.

As digital transformation brings increased reliance on technology and data, cybersecurity becomes paramount. Pharma and life science companies should invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations. This includes implementing secure data storage, encryption protocols, access controls, and regular security audits.

  1. Foster a culture of innovation. 

Digital transformation requires a culture of innovation and continuous learning. Companies should encourage employees to embrace new technologies, experiment with new approaches, and share ideas. By fostering a culture of innovation, companies can adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape and drive sustainable growth.

The need for Pharma and Life Science companies to embrace digital transformation is particularly crucial in Latin America. 

The region’s unique economic reality and the constant need to adapt to changing economic conditions require companies to continuously evolve and improve their value propositions. By adapting their offer to the digital world, leveraging digital tools and solutions, and consistently striving for improvement, companies can position themselves for success in the Latin American market.

How a CRM & CLM solution like Platforce and Xolomon can help in future-proofing Pharma & Life Science companies in Latin America

This is where solutions like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Closed Loop Marketing (CLM) systems come into play. 

Platforms like Platforce and Xolomon offer robust CRM and CLM solutions tailored specifically for the pharma and life science industries in Latin America. These solutions enable companies to streamline their sales and marketing processes, enhance customer interactions, and gather valuable insights to drive informed decision-making. By leveraging the power of CRM and CLM, companies can effectively communicate product benefits, optimize sales strategies, and deliver personalized experiences to healthcare professionals and patients.

In conclusion, digital transformation is no longer just a buzzword for the pharma and life science industries in Latin America; it is a critical step towards survival and growth in an increasingly competitive market. 

This Podcast episode has definitely shed the needed light on the significance of adopting digital solutions and adapting to evolving customer behaviours. Those who embrace this transformative journey and leverage digital solutions will gain a competitive edge, enhance customer engagement, and navigate the complexities of regulated markets more effectively. 

That is why companies in Latin America who are looking to position themselves as frontrunners in the industry need to embrace digital transformation with the help of tools such as CRMs and CLMs like Platforce and Xolomon. Check us out on LinkedIn and book a demo today to see how we can help your business thrive in the digital economy.

Watch the full Podcast episode and subscribe to our Youtube channel:

Pharma CRM for Medrep Teams and Effectiveness Managers: How to Navigate it.

Managing your client accounts in a spreadsheet without a CRM can be exhausting.

Especially when you’re caught up chasing and tracking changes every single day for compliance.

For most sales reps in pharma and life science companies updating prospects’ details in spreadsheets is a cumbersome process that drains their energy and leaves no time for further prospecting.

Achieving scale is possible. 


By automating your workflow and make it easier to manage, grow and retain your client accounts in a single place: Get a CRM made exclusively to meet the needs of pharma and life science companies like yours.

But if you’re on the fence, not sure whether getting a pharma CRM is worth the investment – then this article is for you.

In this blog post, we’ll break down

  1. What is CRM in pharma?
  2. When Standard CRM Doesn’t Cut It
  3. The ROI of having a pharma CRM
  4. Pharma CRM to suit your needs best
  5. Try our pharma CRM CLM product demo

We’ve divided the blog post into different sections, to make jumping to your needs easy (just click the numbered links). 

What is pharma CRM?

Pharma CRM (customer relationship management) is a system or technology that allows for effective management and communication of your clients in a single place by collecting all the relevant data from multiple channels and systems such as your website, social media, and clinical trial management systems.

To better understand what pharma CRM is, and more importantly, how it answers to your pharma companies’ needs we’ll start by listing those needs as we discovered them from our clients.

When Standard CRM Doesn’t Cut It: Why Pharma and Life Sciences Brands Need Platforce

  1. Inefficient Data Management.

Without a dedicated pharma CRM, managing client accounts and data becomes a tedious and time-consuming task. Relying on spreadsheets or manual record-keeping leads to scattered information, inconsistencies, and an increased risk of data loss. Sales representatives spend valuable time updating and tracking changes, which leaves little room for proactive prospecting and building strong customer relationships.

  1. Compliance Issues.

The pharma and life science industry operates under strict regulations, such as HIPAA and GDPR, to safeguard patient privacy and data security. Without a specialized CRM, ensuring compliance becomes a challenge. Manually managing consent collection, tracking opt-outs, and maintaining data privacy standards across various systems can be overwhelming and prone to errors. This puts the company at risk of legal repercussions and damages its reputation.

  1. Limited Visibility and Insights.

A lack of a pharma-specific CRM means limited visibility into the entire customer journey. Sales representatives struggle to track interactions, communications, and touchpoints with clients. This leads to missed opportunities and prevents a holistic understanding of client needs and preferences. Without actionable insights derived from data analysis, it becomes difficult to make informed decisions and tailor marketing strategies effectively.

  1. Ineffective Communication.

Without a dedicated CRM, communication with clients becomes fragmented and inefficient. Sales reps rely on disjointed tools and platforms, making it challenging to maintain consistent and personalized communication. This can result in missed follow-ups, delayed responses, and a lack of coordination within the sales team. In the pharma and life science industry, where timely and accurate information is crucial, such communication gaps can hinder sales performance and customer satisfaction.

  1. Limited Scalability.

Growing and scaling a pharma or life science brand without a specialized CRM is an uphill battle. Manual processes and disparate systems restrict the ability to expand operations, handle a growing customer base, and onboard new sales representatives seamlessly. As the business expands, the lack of a centralized CRM makes it difficult to maintain consistency, collaboration, and efficient workflow management across the organization.

  1. Missed Revenue Opportunities.

Without a pharma CRM, identifying and capitalizing on revenue opportunities becomes challenging. Ineffective lead management, poor tracking of sales activities, and a lack of automated follow-ups can result in missed deals and lost revenue. The absence of advanced features like automated reminders, and custom KPIs hampers sales teams from prioritizing high-potential prospects and delivering timely, tailored communications that drive conversions.

We’re sure by now it’s clear that implementing a pharma CRM like Platforce can yield significant returns on investment for your pharma and life science brand. 

However, to make this blog as practical as possible, let’s take a closer look at the 

Potential ROI in terms of hours and dollars

  1. Time Savings.

With a dedicated CRM, sales representatives can save valuable time that would otherwise be spent on manual data entry and administrative tasks. 

For example, let’s assume that on average, a sales rep spends 5 hours per week updating and managing prospect data in spreadsheets. By implementing a pharma CRM like Platforce, the streamlined data management process can reduce this time to just 1 hour per week. This results in a time savings of 4 hours per week or 208 hours per year per sales rep.

  1. Improved Productivity.

By automating workflow processes and providing a centralized platform, a pharma CRM enables sales reps to focus more on prospecting, nurturing client relationships, and driving sales. With easy access to comprehensive client information, automated reminders for follow-ups, and efficient communication tools, sales reps can work more effectively and close deals faster. 

Let’s assume that by using Platforce, sales reps can increase their productivity by 20%. If a sales rep typically generates $100,000 in sales per year, the increased productivity would result in an additional $20,000 in revenue.

  1. Enhanced Compliance Management.

Ensuring compliance with industry regulations is critical for pharma and life science brands. A pharma CRM like Platforce offers features that simplify compliance management, such as consent tracking, data privacy controls, and audit trails. By reducing the risk of non-compliance and potential legal consequences, the brand’s reputation remains intact, and costly penalties are avoided.

  1. Improved Decision-Making.

A pharma CRM like Platforce provides valuable insights and analytics on client interactions, preferences, and sales performance. By leveraging these actionable insights, sales and marketing teams can make data-driven decisions, optimize strategies, and target high-value prospects more effectively. This leads to better resource allocation, increased conversion rates, and higher revenue generation.

  1. Scalability and Cost Savings.

As your pharma or life science brand grows, a specialized CRM like Platforce ensures seamless scalability. It allows for easy onboarding of new sales representatives, efficient collaboration across teams, and streamlined processes. 

This scalability prevents operational bottlenecks, reduces administrative costs, and supports the brand’s expansion without compromising efficiency or customer satisfaction.

Trust us, the last thing you want to do is to sabotage your growth with a technical debt that is common without a scalable and cloud-based platform like Platforce.

Calculating the exact ROI will, of course, vary based on the size of your organization, the number of sales reps, and how well the CRM integrates with your internal and external workflows. 

However, even with conservative estimates, the time saved, increased productivity, improved compliance management, enhanced decision-making, and scalability benefits can translate into significant returns on investment by simply implementing a pharma CRM like Platforce.

By meeting the unique needs of your brand pharma CRM investment is a strategic move that can have a profound positive impact on your bottom line.

Have you decided to adopt a pharma CRM? Watch out for these 5 red flags!

  1. Lack of Compliance Features.

The pharmaceutical industry operates under strict regulations and compliance guidelines to ensure patient safety and data privacy. When evaluating a CRM solution, one crucial red flag to be mindful of is the absence of robust compliance features. A CRM designed for pharma must have built-in tools to manage consent, track interactions with healthcare professionals, and maintain compliance with industry standards such as HIPAA or GDPR. 

  1. Inadequate Integration Capabilities.

Pharma companies rely on a multitude of systems and tools to manage their operations effectively. From ERP software to laboratory information management systems, seamless integration is paramount. If a CRM solution lacks the ability to integrate with existing systems, it can create inefficiencies, duplicate data entry, and hinder collaboration across departments. 

Look for a CRM that offers robust integration capabilities, allowing you to leverage the full potential of your existing technology stack.

  1. Limited Mobile Accessibility

In today’s fast-paced business environment, mobility is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Field sales representatives need access to critical customer information on the go. A CRM that lacks mobile accessibility is a definite red flag. Ensure that your chosen CRM offers a mobile application that provides real-time access to customer data, enables efficient scheduling, facilitates offline data synchronization, and empowers your team to be productive regardless of their location.

  1. Poor User Adoption and Training Support:

Implementing a CRM is not just about the technology; it’s about people. Resistance to change and inadequate user adoption are common challenges that can derail a CRM implementation. To mitigate this red flag, choose a CRM vendor that offers comprehensive training programs tailored to the needs of your pharma business. Look for user-friendly interfaces, intuitive workflows, and ongoing support to ensure that your team embraces the CRM system and maximizes its benefits.

  1. Insufficient Analytics and Reporting Capabilities.

Data is the lifeblood of any CRM system. It provides actionable insights that drive informed decision-making. If your chosen CRM lacks robust analytics and reporting capabilities, it can impede your ability to gain valuable insights from customer interactions, sales performance, and marketing campaigns. 

Ensure that your CRM offers customizable dashboards, advanced reporting features, and data visualization tools that empower your team to monitor KPIs, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Want to get a first-hand feel of the Platforce CRM CLM solution?

Try the product tour: 

Or, better yet, book your personalized demo with our team.

Platforce recaps Reuters Pharma Barcelona 2023: Key Trends & Takeaways

The Reuters Event Pharma Barcelona 2023 brought together industry leaders and innovators to discuss the latest trends and advancements in the pharmaceutical industry. 

Below, we share the highlights of our experience, key trends we observed, our takeaways, and some insights we gained during the conference for anyone interested to learn more about the Reuters Pharma experience.

Our on-site team at the Reuters Pharma Barcelona 2023 event included Platforce’s CEO, Artem Brytchenko, Head of Sales Ruslan Shastun, Chief Product Owner Dmitriy Snetenchuk, and one of our amazing Business Development Executives, Ahmed Moustafa

Chief Product Owner, Dmitriy Snetenchuk and Head of Sales Ruslan Shastun

1. AI and Its Prominence at the Event

AI was the key focus of many talks and presentations, and one of the prevailing themes at the Reuters Pharma Barcelona 2023, especially due to its potential to revolutionize drug discovery, clinical trials, and personalized medicine. 

In pharma, like in most industries, improved efficiency takes place when data-driven insights are embedded into organizational processes. While Platforce recognizes the importance of AI and its ability to drive innovation and efficiency in pharmaceutical processes, we also believe AI can shape the future of pharma sales. 

HCP engagement with CRM CLM solutions enhanced with AI drives sales in pharmaceutical companies by using HCP data to predict behaviours and personalize marketing and sales efforts.

2. The Rise of Omnichannel in the Industry

Another notable trend highlighted during the event was the rise of omnichannel strategies in the pharmaceutical industry. To gain a competitive advantage as a pharma company in today’s fast-paced and digital environment, managers need to embrace the effectiveness of leveraging multiple channels for customer engagement.

Omnichannel approaches allow pharmaceutical companies to deliver personalized and seamless experiences to healthcare professionals, patients, and other stakeholders. As we acknowledge this emerging trend we continue our commitment to developing solutions that enable pharmaceutical companies to optimize customer engagement and enhance sales performance through omnichannel strategies.

Challenges and Successes of Showcasing Platforce’s Platform

Platforce’s booth at the event was abuzz with activities and demonstrations. The team engaged with potential partners and clients, showcasing and demoing the platform’s capabilities and customizations. They emphasized the collaborative opportunities that Platforce offers within the industry, fostering partnerships and driving innovation in pharmaceutical processes.

Demonstrating the platform’s capabilities and value proposition to potential partners and clients allowed our team, through interactive demonstrations and engaging activities at the booth, to successfully showcased how Platforce’s technology can streamline pharma sales, by improving HCP engagement and leveraging data-driven results.

Our reflections: Excitement for the Possibilities Ahead

reuters pharma Barcelona 2023 Artem Brytchenko takeaways
CEO, Artem Brytchenko

Reflecting on the event, CEO Artem Brytchenko expressed excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead in the pharmaceutical industry, while also mentioning that:

“The discussions and interactions at Reuters Pharma Barcelona 2023 reinforced the importance of innovation and collaboration. Platforce is eager to contribute to the industry’s growth and help shape its future through its advanced technological solutions.” 

Anticipation for Future Events and Opportunities in the Industry

Business Development Executive, Ahmed Moustafa and Head of Sales, Ruslan Shastun

Ultimately, we as part of Platforce look forward to participating in upcoming conferences and continuing to align ourselves with the latest trends and advancements, driving innovation and progress within the industry.

By leveraging AI, embracing omnichannel strategies, and fostering collaboration within the industry, Platforce aims to empower pharmaceutical companies to enhance customer engagement, optimize sales performance, and drive innovation in the pursuit of better healthcare outcomes. Taste and see how the PLATFORCE can transform your business today! You can also check out our LinkedIn page and YouTube channel to learn more about our services.

On Your Radar: 3 CRM Trends & Insights Transforming Pharma Marketing

The pandemic has left no industry untouched, and staying ahead of emerging trends has become the underscore driving force for many. This holds true even for pharma marketing teams, traditionally hindered by regulatory constraints. Now, the industry must embrace tech for improved strategies and enhanced customer engagement.

And data-driven insights. And we’re not the only ones who think so. In fact, in 2020 McKinsey reported that pharma has the second lowest digital maturity of all industries.

This means that the industry is missing out on the potential of digital transformation, and is falling behind the rest of the world. As a result, the industry is failing to capitalize on the potential to increase its efficiency and reduce costs. This has a direct impact on the industry’s ability to stay competitive, innovate, and respond to the needs of customers. 

This is why the industry needs to embrace digital transformation to remain successful, raising another big question… How can pharma brands catch up? 

Good news: there’s plenty of hope.

With plenty of hope and ways to catch up, we will be exploring CRM trends that help pharma marketers forge stronger connections with HCP (healthcare professionals), patients, and stakeholders. Each pharma marketing trend addressed presents us with opportunities for more impactful campaigns and stronger relationships.

Through discussing the challenges involved and the necessary strategies to adopt we will reach a more practical debate of why, and more importantly, how can a CRM like Platforce help pharma marketers.

Table of contents:

  1. 3 CRM Trends To Look Out For and Strategies To Adopt Them
    1. Digitalization
    2. Remote Work
    3. Automation 
  2. How Platforce Can Help

We’re facing here three 3 CRM trends that are shaping up pharma marketing in 2023 and beyond:

  1. Digitalization – Embracing the power and dynamism of technology to revolutionize pharma marketing.
  2. The Remote Revolution: Championing agility and superior efficiency in the realm of virtual workspaces.
  3. Automation – Streamlining processes for enhanced productivity and effectiveness.

Let’s unpack each one.

Trend #1: Digitalization 

Digitalization in pharma marketing is rapidly reshaping the industry, presenting a world of opportunities for those willing to embrace it. 

3 ways that digitalization can help in the improvement of Pharma Marketing:

  1. Enhanced Reach and Engagement: Digitalization opens up new channels and platforms for reaching healthcare professionals (HCPs), patients, and stakeholders. It allows for targeted and personalized communication, enabling pharma companies to engage with their audience on a deeper level.
  1. Data-Driven Insights: Digitalization facilitates the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data, providing valuable insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and trends. These insights can inform marketing strategies, enabling companies to create more effective and tailored campaigns.
  1. Improved Customer Experience: Digital tools and platforms enable seamless and convenient interactions between pharma brands and their customers. From online portals to mobile applications, digitalization enhances the customer experience, making it easier for patients to access information, seek support, and manage their healthcare needs.

Challenges of Digitalization in Pharma Marketing:

Diving into the digital space, pharma marketing is presented with an abundance of opportunities but also some formidable hurdles. From navigating regulatory compliance to bridging skillset gaps, and tackling integration and change management, digitalization is a complex terrain for pharma companies.

  1. Regulatory Compliance: The pharma industry is subject to strict regulations and compliance requirements. Digitalization introduces new challenges in ensuring data privacy, maintaining regulatory compliance, and adhering to industry standards. Pharma companies must prioritize data security and compliance while leveraging digital solutions. 
  1. Skillset and Talent Gap: Embracing digitalization requires a workforce equipped with the necessary skills and expertise. The pharma industry may face challenges in attracting and retaining talent with a deep understanding of digital marketing strategies, analytics, and emerging technologies.
  1. Integration and Change Management: Adopting digital solutions often involves integrating various systems, platforms, and data sources. This can be a complex process that requires careful planning and change management to ensure smooth transitions and maximize the benefits of digitalization.

Recommendations for Effective Adoption of Digitalization:

Navigating pharma marketing’s digital shift demands a robust strategy, talent upskilling, strict data security, and strategic partnerships, which we explore below.

  1. Develop a Digital Strategy: Create a comprehensive digital strategy that aligns with business objectives and customer needs. Identify key digital channels and tactics that can be leveraged to enhance engagement and reach. Prioritize areas that can deliver the most significant impact.
  1. Invest in Talent and Training: Develop a workforce with the skills and expertise to effectively navigate the digital landscape. Invest in training programs to upskill existing employees and recruit digital marketing specialists who can drive digital transformation within the organization.
  1. Ensure Data Security and Compliance: Implement robust data protection measures to safeguard sensitive information and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Partner with trusted technology providers and adopt industry best practices to maintain data security.
  1. Foster Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaborate with technology partners, digital agencies, and industry experts to leverage their expertise and stay updated on the latest digital trends. Seek opportunities for collaboration and partnerships that can drive innovation and accelerate digital transformation.

Here’s a list of things you can do to embrace digitalization:

  • Conduct a digital readiness assessment to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  • Develop a roadmap for digital transformation, outlining key milestones and initiatives.
  • Invest in user-friendly and secure digital platforms to enhance customer experience.
  • Leverage data analytics to gain insights and optimize marketing strategies.
  • Establish clear metrics and KPIs to measure the effectiveness of digital marketing efforts.
  • Foster a culture of innovation and continuous learning to adapt to the evolving digital landscape.

The takeaway?

Embracing digitalization is no longer an option for the pharma industry but a necessity to thrive in a competitive environment

By understanding the potential benefits, addressing the challenges, and implementing effective strategies to embrace digitalization pharma marketers can create effective marketing campaigns that connect with HCP(healthcare professionals) and patients on a deeper level.

Trend #2: Remote Work 

The remote work trend has gained significant momentum across various industries, including pharma marketing.  Remote work in pharma marketing is becoming increasingly popular as it allows the flexibility to work outside the office and manage projects from anywhere. The benefits don’t stop there.

Benefits of Remote Work in Pharma Marketing:

  1. Increased Flexibility: Remote work allows marketing teams to work from anywhere, promoting flexibility and work-life balance. It enables professionals to adapt their schedules to accommodate different time zones and the needs of healthcare professionals and patients which in turn will increase engagement rate with clients.
  1. Cost and Time Savings: Remote work eliminates the need for extensive travel and on-site meetings, resulting in cost and time savings. Teams can communicate and collaborate effectively through virtual platforms, reducing expenses related to travel, accommodation, and commuting.
  1. Access to a Diverse Talent Pool & Global Market: Remote work opens up opportunities to hire talent from different geographical locations. Companies can tap into a wider pool of skilled professionals, bringing in diverse perspectives and expertise to enhance their marketing strategies. Plus, access to a global talent pool also means access to more market that is not as prominent when relying on a traditional working model.

Working remotely might seem an easy-to-adopt trend, however, it remains a challenging undertaking, especially considering the complexity of the regulations involved and the implications to corporate processes.

Challenges of Remote Work in Pharma Marketing:

  1. Communication and Collaboration: Remote work can complicate team communication and collaboration due to factors like time zone differences and technical issues. To overcome these, it’s essential to establish effective communication channels, use collaborative tools, and foster an open, engaging team culture. Properly managed, these challenges can unlock the potential of a diverse, distributed workforce, boosting innovation and productivity.
  1. Data Security and Privacy: The pharma industry deals with sensitive patient data and confidential information. Remote work requires stringent measures to ensure data security, privacy, and compliance with regulatory requirements such as HIPAA, and GDPR. Implementing robust cybersecurity protocols and providing remote access to secure systems is essential.
  1. Maintaining Team Cohesion: Remote work can create a sense of isolation and hinder team cohesion. Efforts must be made to foster a sense of belonging and encourage regular interaction among team members. Virtual team-building activities and regular check-ins can help maintain a strong team bond.

While these challenges might be troublesome and hard to navigate, we believe proper planning will make it easier.

Recommendations for Effective Adoption of Remote Work:

  1. Establish Clear Communication Channels: Utilize video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management tools to facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among remote teams. Encourage regular check-ins and establish clear guidelines for virtual meetings and discussions.
  1. Invest in Mobile CRM Solutions: Enable sales reps working remotely to access CRM tools and data through mobile applications. Mobile CRM solutions like Platforce, empower sales reps to stay connected, access real-time information, and effectively manage customer interactions while on the go.
  1. Prioritize Cybersecurity: Implement robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive data and protect against potential cyber threats. Utilize secure VPN connections, two-factor authentication, and data encryption to ensure data security while working remotely.
  1. Foster a Remote-Friendly Culture: Encourage a culture of trust, accountability, and autonomy among remote teams. Provide necessary support, resources, and training to enable employees to thrive in a remote work environment. Foster a sense of camaraderie through virtual team-building activities and recognition programs.

Embracing remote work in pharma marketing offers opportunities for increased productivity, cost savings, and access to a global talent pool. By addressing the challenges and implementing the recommended strategies, pharma companies can effectively leverage remote work to enhance their marketing efforts, improve collaboration, and drive business growth in the evolving digital landscape.

Trend #3: Automation  

Automation is revolutionizing pharma marketing by streamlining processes and optimizing efficiency. This trend involves the use of automation tools and technologies to handle repetitive tasks, improve accuracy, and free up valuable time for marketers to focus on high-value activities.

Automation offers several potential benefits for pharma marketing:

  1. Increased Efficiency: By automating manual and repetitive tasks, such as data entry, lead nurturing, and campaign management, pharma marketers can save time and resources. This allows them to allocate their efforts towards strategic initiatives and decision-making processes.
  1. Improved Accuracy: Automation reduces the risk of human errors and inconsistencies in data management and analysis. By relying on automated systems like Platforce’s built-in data analytics capabilities, pharma companies can ensure data integrity and make informed decisions based on reliable and accurate information.
  1. Enhanced Personalization: Automation enables marketers to deliver personalized and targeted content to healthcare professionals and patients. By leveraging customer data and automation tools, pharma companies can tailor their marketing messages and campaigns to individual preferences and needs.

However, implementing automation in pharma marketing also comes with certain challenges:

  1. Integration Complexity: Integrating different systems and technologies can be complex and time-consuming. Pharma companies may need to invest in compatible software solutions and ensure seamless data flow across platforms to fully leverage the benefits of automation.
  1. Data Quality and Management: Automation relies heavily on data, so data quality and ethically managing it is critical. It’s crucial to ensure data accuracy, consistency, and compliance with privacy regulations. Regular data cleansing and monitoring processes are necessary to maintain data integrity.
  1. Balancing Automation and Human Touch: While automation offers efficiency and scalability, it’s important to strike a balance between automation and human interaction. Building trust and relationships with healthcare professionals and patients still require a human touch, and pharma marketers must find the right balance between automated processes and personal connections.

Recommendations for Effective Adoption and Leveraging of Automation:

  1. Identify Automation Opportunities: Conduct a thorough assessment of existing processes and identify areas that can benefit from automation. Prioritize tasks that are time-consuming, repetitive, or prone to errors. This includes lead scoring, email marketing automation, customer segmentation, and reporting.
  1. Invest in Robust Automation Tools: Select automation tools and software solutions that align with your specific needs and integrate well with existing systems. Look for platforms that offer features such as workflow automation, data analytics, and campaign management to streamline marketing processes.
  1. Data-Driven Decision Making: Leverage automation tools to collect and analyze customer data for insights. Use these insights to inform marketing strategies and make data-driven decisions. Regularly review and refine automated processes based on data analysis to optimize results.
  1. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: Regularly monitor automated processes and their impact on key performance indicators (KPIs). Identify areas for improvement and iterate on your automation strategies. Continuously analyze data and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal outcomes.

By now you might be wondering,

How pharma marketers can use tools like Platforce to stay ahead 

Unlike other CRMs in the market, Platforce is one of the few CRM developed with the needs of the pharma industry in mind, especially when it comes to its marketing needs as we see a bigger gap in the market that hasn’t been addressed completely.

Platforce’s built-in capabilities are made to support pharma teams working both on-site and remotely, regardless of the location barrier. Having an advanced built-in data analytics capability and highly customizable features that fit the client’s workflow make Platforce a CRM-CLM solution that marketers can count on at all times.

Pharma marketers can’t postpone addressing challenges such as regulatory compliance, talent gap, communication, data security, and finding the right balance between automation and human touch.

And from what we discussed earlier, it’s clear that these trends offer opportunities for improved customer experiences, flexibility, increased efficiency, and personalized marketing. By facing reality head-on, and with help from a CRM such as Platforce, pharma marketers can navigate the market, while staying competitive in the evolving digital landscape.

Curious about how Platforce manages this in real life?

Click Here to See Platforce in Action!

Sales Enablement Software to Revolutionize Pharma

One of the most significant developments in recent years has been the rise of Sales Enablement Software, also known as Closed-Loop Marketing (CLM), Tablet Detailing, or E-Detailing. In the highly competitive world of pharmaceutical sales, companies are always looking for ways to increase their effectiveness and drive sales growth while reducing costs. These tools allow companies to broadcast interactive presentations to doctors via electronic devices, increasing engagement and driving sales.

Sales Enablement Software for Pharmaceutical Companies

For the top 50 pharmaceutical companies, Sales Enablement Software has become a crucial part of their sales and marketing operations. By providing a platform for interactive presentations, CRM, CLM, and other types of software for sales aim to facilitate sales presentations to healthcare professionals (HCPs) by delivering key messages and ensuring interactive communication. These interactive eDetailers provide an opportunity to understand the needs of HCPs better, and compared to traditional print materials, they increase the level of interaction and engagement with the physician.

Benefits of Sales Enablement Software

Speeding up time to market: By using preapproved content, it allows companies to get their message out to HCPs faster, reducing the time to market.

Instant delivery of new content: With the ability to deliver new content to reps almost instantly,it allows companies to keep their messaging up-to-date and fresh.

Reducing printing costs: By eliminating the need for printing materials, companies can cut down on printing costs significantly.

Use of engaging media content: It allows companies to use engaging media content such as audio, video, animations, and other interactive features to engage HCPs.

Interactive engagement: The interactive nature of Sales Enablement Software allows HCPs to be more involved in the communication process, leading to better engagement and a higher level of understanding.

No more expired or unapproved content: With Sales Enablement Software, companies no longer have to worry about using expired content or content that has not been legally approved.

Moving Away from Static Presentations

Sales Enablement Software allows companies to move away from static presentations and printed marketing materials to more tailored, customer-centric experiences. By providing an interactive platform, it helps companies provide a more personalized experience to HCPs, increasing the likelihood of driving sales.

“Sales Enablement technology has become a critical component in the pharmaceutical industry’s commercialization strategy. It allows companies to provide relevant, up-to-date information to sales reps in real-time, in a way that is consistent, engaging and compliant, which ultimately helps them achieve their sales targets,” said Bob Butler, CEO of Veeva Systems, a leading provider of cloud-based software solutions for the pharmaceutical industry.

How is Sales Enablement Software Changing Pharma

Sales Enablement Software is revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry, making it easier for companies to engage with HCPs and drive sales growth while reducing costs. With the ability to provide a more personalized experience and keep messaging up-to-date and fresh, Sales Enablement Software is changing the way pharmaceutical companies do business.

“As the industry evolves, so must the tools and technologies we use to communicate with our customers. Sales Enablement Software is the future of pharmaceutical sales and marketing,”

Ruslan Shastun, Head of Sales at Platforce


Sales Enablement Software has become a critical component in the pharmaceutical industry’s commercialization strategy. By providing a platform for interactive e-presentations, Sales Enablement Software helps companies engage with HCPs and drive sales growth while reducing costs. With the ability to use engaging media content, provide a personalized experience, and keep messaging up to date and fresh, Sales Enablement Software is revolutionizing the way pharmaceutical companies do business. As the industry continues to evolve

The Danger of Mono-Channel Marketing in Pharma: Why Diversification is Key

Mono-channel marketing in pharma is no longer the solution. Building trust with our HCPs using technology and consumer behaviour KPIs has become the norm, especially in the pharmaceutical industry which is an ever-changing and dynamic environment that requires careful planning and execution of marketing strategies to ensure success. With the rise of digital communication channels, companies increasingly leverage these tools to reach healthcare providers (HCPs) and consumers.

However, with the rapid changes in technology and consumer behaviour, relying on one single communication channel can be dangerous. This is particularly true in the pharmaceutical industry, where regulatory restrictions and the importance of building trust with HCPs and consumers can significantly impact marketing success.

One significant danger of relying on a single communication channel is the potential for the channel to become obsolete. Email marketing, for example, was once a popular and effective way for pharmaceutical companies to reach HCPs and consumers. However, with the rise of spam filters and email overload, the effectiveness of email marketing has decreased in recent years.

Diversification is key to mitigating the risks of over-reliance on any single communication channel. Here are some of the benefits of diversifying communication channels in the pharmaceutical industry:

  1. Reach a broader audience: By leveraging multiple communication channels, companies can reach a wider range of HCPs and consumers. For example, some HCPs may prefer to receive information via email, while others prefer to attend conferences or webinars.
  2. Build trust and credibility: HCPs and consumers often prefer to receive information from a variety of sources to build trust and credibility. By utilizing different communication channels, companies can demonstrate their expertise and dedication to serving their audiences in different ways.
  3. Increase brand awareness: Diversifying communication channels can help increase brand awareness among HCPs and consumers. By utilizing a variety of channels, companies can reach a wider audience and promote their brand in different ways.
  4. Stay ahead of the competition: By utilizing multiple communication channels, companies can stay ahead of the competition. If a competitor is relying on a single communication channel, they may be at risk of losing their audience if that channel becomes obsolete.
  5. Adapt to changing consumer behaviour: As technology continues to evolve, so do consumer behaviours. By diversifying communication channels, companies can adapt to changing consumer behaviours and remain relevant in the market.

In conclusion, mono-channel marketing in pharma like in any other industry risks relying too heavily on one communication channel. Diversifying channels is crucial to ensure the success and sustainability of any marketing strategy but also to sustain and enable sales. As technology continues to evolve and consumer behaviours change, companies must remain flexible and adaptable to these changes. By doing so, they can remain competitive and relevant in the market.