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Platforce vs IQVIA: A Comprehensive Comparison

Transparency is key in making informed decisions. Read on to understand the key differences and advantages between Platforce and IQVIA.

Why Consider Platforce vs IQVIA?

In a world of generic CRMs, Platforce’s solution emerges as a specific choice for pharma and life science companies, offering distinct advantages over IQVIA in critical business areas, including AI development, the efficiency of the onboarding process, cost, and the ease of adaptability to fit the specific needs of each client.

Platforce’s CRM and CLM solutions are distinctively built for pharma and life science teams. With over 10 years of experience and a resounding client portfolio, with a dedicated team which ensures customization and localised support around the globe.

Find out below why migrating to Platforce at a fraction of the cost of IQVIA is a sustainable choice in 2024, especially with IQVIA’s steep pricing.

Get advanced AI capabilities at a fraction of the

Just like IQVIA, Platforce is serious about integrating AI into our products. However, we’re a bit more intentional.

We didn’t jump into the ‘AI trend’ just because everyone was doing it. Instead, our AI ensures our clients’ workflows are more efficient.

We are delivering features such as predictive analytics and intelligent automation.

A new feature that was most requested from our clients is the AI meeting & planner insights that will provide sales reps with relevant insights from their calls with HCPs.

IQVIA requires a longer implementation time than Platforce and
has a bad support system post-purchase

While Platforce stands out with its intuitive design, onboarding process that spans over 4-6 weeks and localized support, IQVIA falls short in terms of implementation time and post-purchase support. IQVIA, being a complex product, often demands a longer implementation period due to its extensive features. This can lead to delays in getting your team up and running efficiently.
Moreover, post-purchase support with IQVIA has been reported as subpar. Some users have highlighted challenges in getting timely assistance for troubleshooting various situations. This lack of responsiveness can significantly impact the smooth functioning of your CRM system and, consequently, your overall business operations.
To avoid any delays, Platforce offers a streamlined onboarding process, ensuring that your team is not only set up quickly but is also equipped with the necessary knowledge to navigate the CRM seamlessly. Our dedicated support team is available post-purchase to address any queries promptly, ensuring a hassle-free experience for our clients.

The intuitive and user-friendly alternative to IQVIA: Simplifying your sales with Platforce

IQVIA tends to be cumbersome due to its extensive features causing cognitive overload for its users. Even though the User Interface of IQVIA is user-friendly compared to other CRMs in its generation, users find it complex to navigate as its complex features are overstacked without enough context.

However, Platforce doesn’t require your team to be ‘techie’, since it is intuitive by design. We account for the specific needs of pharma and life science companies’ needs from the first click.

Worrying about figuring out how the CRM works is not an issue for our clients! Our dedicated team ensures everyone is strategically onboarded and attended from the managerial level to the field employees.

Could IQVIA’s synchronization issues make or break your business?

You’ve probably heard it via reviews from others or even experienced it yourself, IQVIA has some serious synchronization issues. Some of our customers who have switched from IQIVIA have mentioned that sometimes they have to wait around 20-30 minutes for the software to be synchronized.
Synchronization problems within IQVIA can result in data inconsistencies between different modules, leading to inaccurate customer information and order details. This can disrupt workflows, causing delays in managing customer interactions, tracking leads, internal communications, order processing, and other sales processes. Companies may also face compliance risks due to synchronization issues.
Decreased employee productivity results from time spent on troubleshooting and resolving synchronization problems. But, inaccurate data affects not just employees but also customer relationships and decision-making, leading to reporting challenges, and hindering informed management. Delays, inaccurate forecasts, and missed opportunities, ultimately affect the company’s revenue.
The IQVIA alternative we propose is optimized. With Platforce your team’s CRM is synchronised within 1 to 2 minutes. This way, Platforce users rest assured that their workflow is not disrupted, avoiding data discrepancies.

Platforce vs IQVIA: The differences in Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) explained

IQVIA costs more to get started compared to Platforce.

IQVIA’s pricing which starts at $10,000 per month is notably steeper compared to Platforce. This cost is large, especially for many especially small and large businesses alike.

The pricing conundrum with IQVIA doesn’t stop here as the total cost of using IQVIA is also dependent on the following factors:

  • Customization – The more you need to customize the higher the implementation cost will be since IQVIA itself is a complex product
  • Data migration – We predict the average cost of data transfer with IQVIA can be between a few thousand dollars and a hundred thousand dollars. Of course, it all depends on the complexity and size of the data.
  • Training – Training cost with IQVIA is highly dependent on the departments involved, the workflow around it, and the number of users that need to be trained. Plus, if you need more new users to be trained it can be costly as IQVIA is a specialized product that requires some serious training before being acquainted with the product
  • Maintenance – Typically, highly specialized enterprise products like IQVIA require significant investment for their ongoing maintenance cost

Platforce offers tailored pricing plans, ensuring optimal value for industry-specific budgets. On top of that, businesses can add or remove features based on their budget with Platforce. This affordability makes Platforce an attractive choice for businesses seeking a comprehensive, cost-effective solution.

Platforce vs IQVIA: A visual price comparison

Platforce: an out-of-the-box pharma and life science CRM & CLM
solution designed for your team’s performance

Platforce without CLM
Platforce with CLM
Starts from €6 per user for the first 100 users
Starts from €15 per user each month
Starts from $10,000 per month
Free Trial
Not available
€10 per month
€10 per month

Used by life science brands around the world

  • http://Xolomon
  • http://Nutricia
  • http://Danone
  • http://Genpharma

More reasons to choose Platforce over IQVIA

If we add multiple levels while building a query on IQVIA, the sales data is only available for the top 20 peers which makes it less exhaustive…
Too much steps in every project starting for proposal till the final delivery
…but government data and tender information many times is underreported.
Sometimes finding exact data could be difficult.
Wish I knew more when setting up workflows - could have made them less cumbersome
The software, over time, has very difficult times loading.
every time a change is made i have to manually clear server cache
Poor post purchase support, limited features and bad UI. Restrictions of users limited software for large company.

Platforce reduces your dependency on scattered tech stacks.

Platforce reduces the number of tools that you are dependent on.
Below you can see some of the tools that Platforce typically replaces so that you can focus your budget on where it matters.

With Platforce
Stream HD remote calls right from Platforce
Manage your data in one place and forget about spreadsheets
AI Assistant
Gain actionable insights from your calls with the AI call assistant
Tableau/Power BI
Simply grab the graphs you need from Platforce
Let HCPs schedule and re-schedule calls at their convenience

to see how our features work!

Platforce vs IQVIA: Head-to-head features comparison

Mobile Access
Offline Access
User Interface
Customer Support
Local support, 24/7
Local support, 24/7
Custom Request
Multi-channel marketing
Sales Force Automation
Data Management
Customer Relationship Management
Task Management
Territory Management
Business Intelligence
Yes (Built upon request)
Custom Reporting Dashboard
Retail Execution
Consent Management
Territory Management
Events Management
Data Precision
Employs advanced algorithms and data validation processes to ensure accurate and reliable data, vital for compliance and regulatory requirements.
Data precision might vary, according to Gartner and G2 review.
Highly customizable to adapt to your specific workflows, allowing seamless integration with existing systems and processes.
Offers customization to an extent, but might require substantial efforts and costs for tailoring it precisely.
Regulatory Compliance
Built-in compliance features, such as FDA and HIPAA guidelines integration, assist in maintaining regulatory adherence without additional hassle.
Built-in compliance features like Platforce.
Advanced Analytics
Delivers comprehensive and specialized analytics, including real-time insights into clinical trials, drug interactions, and market trends.
Provides analytics capabilities.
Data Security
Implements robust encryption, access controls, and regular security audits to safeguard sensitive patient data and proprietary research.
Provides security.
Remote Communication
Offers full-suite remote communication features like remote calls and presentations.
Offers a suite of features made for remote communication.
Training For The Product Usage
Dedicated and customized training for your users.
Live-instructor-based training.

Migrating to Platforce from IQVIA?

We know how hard it is to migrate from your existing CRM. That’s why our team of experts will work together with you and onboard you through a bespoke migration process ensuring that your data and integrations are migrated to Platforce seamlessly, regardless of your existing tech stack.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve used IQVIA before. What can I expect from Platforce?

Platforce offers an intuitive interface and robust functionalities that rivals those of IQVIA at a fraction of the cost. From advanced AI capabilities to transparent pricing, Platforce is designed to elevate your user experience, providing you with the tools you need to thrive in the competitive landscape of the life sciences.

How do you plan on helping us to migrate from IQVIA with our data intact?

Our migration process is meticulous and ensures the integrity of your data. We have a dedicated team of experts experienced in transitioning from IQVIA to Platforce. Through a systematic approach, we analyze your existing data structure, map it to Platforce’s architecture, and execute a smooth migration. Our goal is not just to transfer your data but to optimize it for enhanced functionality within Platforce, ensuring a seamless continuation of your operations with minimal disruption.

Can Platforce replace the tools that we are currently using now?

Platforce significantly reduce your dependency on tools like Zoom, Spreadsheets, Gong, Tableau, Power BI and Calendly.

Do you have a free trial available?

Yes. Just book a demo via the form below and our dedicated local team will be ready to present you with all opportunities available with Platforce.